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Cycle of Manager Returns & Investor Confidence

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1616 Westgate Circle, Ste 202  |  Brentwood, TN 37027

©2018-2024 Canterbury Tollgate. Canterbury Tollgate ("CTG") is a dba for Weise Risk Advisors LLC, a registered investment adviser. Information found on this website may not be used without expressed written consent from an authorized officer of The Company. The information on this website has been prepared by Canterbury Tollgate, a dba name for Weise Risk Advisors, LLC, collectively known as "Canterbury Tollgate", "Canterbury", or "CTG". All investor letters, memos, and other content found on CTG's website or in other materials related to CTG are intended solely to be informative. Nothing found herein should be construed as investment advice, nor as an offer to buy or sell, nor as a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, any securities, investment partnership interests, or other financial instruments. By accessing this website, you understand any content herein is not an offer to buy or sell any security or as a solicitation to invest with CTG. Furthermore, you agree that you access all content herein at your own risk. You or a representative acting on another entity's behalf, agree to hold harmless Canterbury Tollgate, its officers, employees, and any other associated parties. You agree that by accessing information herein, you possess adequate capital markets and investment-related sophistication to fully comprehend and assess analysis, views, and opinions. You further agree that you will not communicate the contents of reports and other materials on this site to any other person unless that person has agreed to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you access this website, download or receive the contents of reports or other materials on this website on your own behalf, you agree to and shall be bound by these Terms of Use. If you access this website, download or receive the contents of reports or other materials on this website as an agent for any other person, you are binding your principal to these same Terms of Use.

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